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Videos On America's Racial Climate

African American rap artists, Meek Mill, performs a dialogue on the criminal justice system's disparities against minorities - specifically against African Americans. The dialogue provides statistics, along with the experience of Mill with the criminal justice system. This dialogue is successful in not only providing information, but in effectively performing the information.

In this episode of the "Middle Ground," six individuals come together to discuss their perspective on the black lives matter movement and law enforcement. Three of the individuals are on the side of black lives matter and the other three are on the side of law enforcement. The purpose of this video is to start a conversation to unite people, rather than an argument that divides. The middle ground serves to create a conversation between opposing views to show how beneficial a conversation can be in uniting America.  

In this news video, information is provided by the FBI on how hate crime has risen throughout recent years. They also provide information on how hate crimes are steadily rising.

The purpose for the "How You See Me" series is to get the stories of others out, and allow people who's voices are often shut down to get their voices out. In this video, six people who are Arab speak on their experience in America.

In this video on the Asian perspective, which is filmed by the people of "How You See Me," Asians discuss the under-representation and stereotypes that happen in America. This video serves the purpose to educate those who aren't Asian and to allow a voice for the Asian community. 

In this episode of "How You See Me," six African Americans come together to provide their experience and perspective on what it means to be black in America. Like all the episodes within the "How You See Me" series, these six individuals come together to share their perspective with the purpose to be heard.

In this episode of "How You See Me," the audience has the chance to see how the Latin race is so diverse. The four individuals in this video not only discuss their experiences and perspectives with being Latino/a in America, but they discuss how they have internalized the negative experiences and how proud they are to be Latino/a.

Talk show host, Chelsea Handler, hosts a show on Netflix that provides some representation for Native Americans. Among all the racial/ethnic groups in America, Native Americans are the least represented, but are harmed on a daily basis like other minorities. This clip reveals the lives of a tribe in Montana, and briefly reveals how America has drastically altered the lives of the indigenous tribes. 

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